Welcome to the Realms of Kymoria (RoK), a therapeutic module for Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition!
Welcome to the Realms of Kymoria (RoK), a place where two neurodivergent individuals created a world that was safe for everybody and designed for individuals who struggle with materials designed by, and for, what our culture considers ’normal’. Tabletop Role Playing (TTRPG) is a widely known and enjoyed hobby that many people are familiar with. Using TTRPG as a technique for therapeutic application to foster creativity, social skills, and processing through collaborative storytelling is an emerging therapeutic tool that marries evidence-based research with familiar fun. We invite you to join our talented panelists as we share for the first time the wonderful and insightful RoK setting, not just a setting you can play in but one you can heal in. Our setting was designed with fun and inclusivity in mind, written from the perspective of individuals who need more support and information, and offers specific therapeutic encounter examples that are written seamlessly into the story. @aliciafigliuolo She/Her [Co-Creator of Realms of Kymoria, Director of Education and Training, Geek Therapeutics, Geek Therapeutics], @VideoGameDoc Tony He/Him [Founder and CEO, Geek Therapeutics, Geek Therapeutics], Shawn He/Him [Author and Creator of Realms of Kymoria, Creative Director at Geek Therapeutics , Geek Therapeutics], Josh He/Him [Doctoral Candidate, Gamification Researcher, Medidata Solutions/Rutgers University], @anyayna She’Her [TTRPG Manager, BackerKit]