Knights Table

The rise of social networks have shown that user to user networks, created through technology, are an effective way of finding people with similar interests.
One of the major drawbacks of a traditional peer mentorship is the time commitment
What we needed was a mobile interface with messaging capabilities would allow for students to engage in this peer mentorship relationship relatively easily.
Linkedin Meets Tinder wrapped up in a Rutgers Bow, Knights Table is your solution to not knowing where to go, who to talk to, or how to navigate your major. Created with a team in our Graduate Informatics and Design Course, we built our hifi mockups using justinmind, and performed user research on mentorship experience, choice architecture, and information seeking habits. While we didnt take this further from the course, its great to see SCI’s mentorship program as well as the Student Alumni Career Connect getting launched so soon after our course completed. If I had a nickel for every idea from class that has become a real object, id be pretty darn close to a dollar by now.